Alternative Names: ALP 201; BLA 857; Farom; Faropenem sodium; Fropenem; FRPM; RU 67655; SUN 5555; SY 5555; WY 49605; YM 044Latest Information Update: 24 Oct 2021
At a glance
- Originator Asubio Pharma
- Developer Maruho
- Class Antibacterials; Beta-lactams; Small molecules
- Mechanism of Action Cell wall inhibitors
Orphan Drug Status
Orphan designation is assigned by a regulatory body to encourage companies to develop drugs for rare diseases.
- New Molecular Entity Yes
Highest Development Phases
- Marketed Bacterial infections
- No development reported Otitis media
Most Recent Events
- 04 Nov 2017 No recent reports of development identified for clinical-Phase-Unknown development in Otitis-media in Japan (PO)
- 31 Mar 2015 Maruho and Banbuntane Hotokukai Hospital complete a clinical pharmacokinetics trial in Otitis media (Chronic) in Japan (PO) (UMIN000014510)
- 16 Sep 2005 Daiichi Suntory Pharma has been acquired by Daiichi Pharmaceutical