PNU 142731A
Latest Information Update: 06 Aug 2002
Price :
$50 *
At a glance
- Originator Pharmacia Corporation
- Class Anti-inflammatories; Pyrimidines
- Mechanism of Action Immunomodulators
Orphan Drug Status
Orphan designation is assigned by a regulatory body to encourage companies to develop drugs for rare diseases.
Highest Development Phases
- No development reported Asthma; Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Most Recent Events
- 06 Apr 2000 Pharmacia & Upjohn has merged with Monsanto to form Pharmacia Corporation
- 31 Jan 2000 Phase-I clinical trials for Seasonal allergic rhinitis in USA (Unknown route)
- 22 Sep 1998 Preclinical data from the 216th ACS Meeting have been added to the adverse events and pharmacokinetics sections