NM 55
Latest Information Update: 23 May 2006
Price :
$50 *
At a glance
- Originator CNRS; Idenix Pharmaceuticals
- Class Antivirals; Small molecules
- Mechanism of Action Undefined mechanism
Orphan Drug Status
Orphan designation is assigned by a regulatory body to encourage companies to develop drugs for rare diseases.
Highest Development Phases
- No development reported HIV infections
Most Recent Events
- 23 May 2006 No development reported - Preclinical for HIV infections treatment in France (unspecified route)
- 23 May 2006 No development reported - Preclinical for HIV infections treatment in USA (unspecified route)
- 29 May 2003 Idenix and Novartis have entered into an agreement to jointly develop and commercialise Idenix's antiviral drug candidates