NCX 4040
Latest Information Update: 16 May 2007
Price :
$50 *
At a glance
- Originator NicOx
- Class Antineoplastics; Nitro compounds; Salicylic acids
- Mechanism of Action Nitric oxide donors
Orphan Drug Status
Orphan designation is assigned by a regulatory body to encourage companies to develop drugs for rare diseases.
Highest Development Phases
- Discontinued Colorectal cancer
Most Recent Events
- 18 Oct 2004 Data presented at the 16th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics (EORTC-NCI-AACR-2004) have been added to the pharmacokinetics and Cancer pharmacodynamics section ,
- 15 Oct 2004 Preclinical trials in Colorectal cancer in Italy (PO)
- 25 Mar 2003 Preclinical trials in Colorectal cancer in France (PO)