A phase IV, single centre, open-label study to investigate the kinetics of the B cell response to the C saccharide component of Chiron's meningococcal C conjugate vaccine administered to healthy children at least 12 months of age after priming with a commercially available men ACWY conjugate vaccine [meningococcal vaccine groups A C Y W-135 conjugate] at 2, 3 and 4 months of age.
Latest Information Update: 02 Aug 2019
Price :
$35 *
At a glance
- Drugs Meningococcal vaccine group C conjugate (Primary)
- Indications Meningococcal group C infections
- Focus Pharmacodynamics
- Sponsors Chiron Corporation; Novartis Vaccines
- 15 Nov 2011 Actual end date (Aug 2006) added as reported by ClinicalTrials.gov.
- 04 Nov 2006 New trial record.