Multicentric, surveillance study to monitor safety and reactogenicity of GSK Biologicals' purified meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine of serogroups ACWY in 3,000 Filipino subjects aged greater than 2 years when administered according to the prescribing information.
Latest Information Update: 18 Jul 2023
Price :
$35 *
At a glance
- Drugs Meningococcal vaccine groups A C Y W-135 polysaccharide (Primary)
- Indications Meningococcal infections
- Focus Adverse reactions; Registrational
- Sponsors GlaxoSmithKline; GSK
- 02 Nov 2008 Actual patient number (249) added as reported by
- 17 Jul 2008 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals reported as trial affliate by
- 17 Jul 2008 The expected completion date for this trial is added (Oct 2006) as reported by