Phase II open-label study of weekly Taxoprexin (Rm) (DHA-paclitaxel) injection as second line therapy for patients with advanced primary cancers of the liver, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and carcinoma of the gallbladder or biliary tract (BTC).
Latest Information Update: 10 Nov 2021
Price :
$35 *
At a glance
- Drugs DHA-paclitaxel (Primary)
- Indications Adenocarcinoma; Biliary cancer; Carcinoma; Liver cancer
- Focus Therapeutic Use
- Sponsors American Regent; Luitpold Pharmaceuticals
- 08 May 2017 Status changed from completed to discontinued.
- 12 Jan 2010 Status changed from active, no longer recruiting to completed as reported by
- 12 Jan 2010 Actual end date (Dec 2008) added as reported by