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VERDI Study (VERifynow in Diabetes non-responsiveness: a study on switching from Clopidogrel to Prasugrel). A randomized, mono-center study comparing the treatment plan of a loading dose of prasugrel as opposed to the standard dose in type 2 diabetic patients, who suffer acute coronary syndrome, revascularized through an invasive percutaneous strategy with a stent. [Estudio aleatorizado, unicentrico, que compara un regimen de dosis de carga de prasugrel (60 mg) y posterior dosis de mantenimiento (10 mg) frente al regimen con dosis estandar de clopidogrel (75 mg) en pacientes diabeticos tipo 2 no respondedores a clopidogrel revascularizados mediante una estrategia invasiva percutanea con stent farmacoactivo.]

Trial Profile

VERDI Study (VERifynow in Diabetes non-responsiveness: a study on switching from Clopidogrel to Prasugrel). A randomized, mono-center study comparing the treatment plan of a loading dose of prasugrel as opposed to the standard dose in type 2 diabetic patients, who suffer acute coronary syndrome, revascularized through an invasive percutaneous strategy with a stent. [Estudio aleatorizado, unicentrico, que compara un regimen de dosis de carga de prasugrel (60 mg) y posterior dosis de mantenimiento (10 mg) frente al regimen con dosis estandar de clopidogrel (75 mg) en pacientes diabeticos tipo 2 no respondedores a clopidogrel revascularizados mediante una estrategia invasiva percutanea con stent farmacoactivo.]

Status: Completed
Phase of Trial: Phase IV

Latest Information Update: 04 Jan 2016

Price : $35 *
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  • Your purchase entitles you to full access to the information contained in our trial profile at the time of purchase.
  • A link to download a PDF version of the trial profile will be included in your email receipt.

At a glance

  • Drugs Prasugrel (Primary) ; Clopidogrel
  • Indications Acute coronary syndromes; Thromboembolism
  • Focus Therapeutic Use
  • Acronyms VERDI
  • Most Recent Events

    • 01 Dec 2015 Results published in the Acta Cardiologica
    • 12 Sep 2012 New source identified and integrated (ClinicalTrials.gov: US National Institutes of Health; NCT01684813).
    • 12 Sep 2012 Planned number of patients changed from 50 to 65 as reported by ClinicalTrials.gov.

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