A Two-Part, Open-Label, Single-Dose Study to Investigate the Influence of Hepatic Insufficiency on the Pharmacokinetics of Tozadenant
Latest Information Update: 08 Jan 2018
Price :
$35 *
At a glance
- Drugs Tozadenant (Primary)
- Indications Liver disorders; Parkinson's disease
- Focus Pharmacokinetics
- Sponsors Biotie Therapies Corp.
- 20 Nov 2017 Status changed from recruiting to discontinued, according to an Acorda Therapeutics media release. The company is discontinuing dosing of all participants based on previously disclosed agranulocytosis and associated serious adverse events. the Company concluded that it could not be confident that weekly white blood cell count screening would sufficiently ensure patient safety.
- 14 Jul 2017 New trial record