A phase 2a Human Challenge Trial (HCT) to test Ampligen as a potential intranasal prophylactic antiviral therapy using a human Rhinovirus hRV (common cold virus) and Influenza
Latest Information Update: 05 Oct 2021
Price :
$35 *
At a glance
- Drugs Rintatolimod (Primary)
- Indications Influenza B virus infections; Rhinovirus infections
- Focus Therapeutic Use
- Sponsors AIM ImmunoTech
- 30 Sep 2021 According to an AIM ImmunoTech media relrease, company and hVIVO have a signed Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) for this trial.
- 20 Sep 2021 According to an AIM ImmunoTech media release, the proposed protocol for the study was submitted to the Oxford Research Ethics Committee (REC)/Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on September 10, 2021. A meeting is scheduled to review the study on September 24, and the response is expected by mid November. In addition, AIM and hVIVO (CRO) continue to work to finalize the details of a Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA).
- 14 Jul 2021 New trial record